I had a great 2 months on Brazil’s North Eastern coast this past November and December. My 9th time going to magical Jericoacoara – and I will surely be back again next year. There is no place like it: the wind blows every single day.
I had great company there; staying with me was my girlfriend, and we pretty much adopted Steven Van Broeckhoven and Maarten Van Ochten for a few weeks. In reality they stayed across the street, but only used their beds in that apartment. Next door was my brother Tom together with good friend Oda Johanne.

Days there generally consist of 2 windsurfing sessions on 4.2 or 4.5, intertwined with various other activities; SUPing at sunrise, mini-golf in the apartment at lunch, and country game (an app “Where is”) in the evenings. At one point during the trip I knew exactly where every single country was in the world – then it got boring.
The annual cake competition also took place, but as the defending 2014 cake competition champion I don’t want to comment on my results in 2015. All I can say is I think the FIFA and ATP match rigging controversies are rubbing off on cake competitions 😉

Brazilian food is another reason I’m addicted to Jeri. Açai, coconuts, cashew nuts and the massive avocados (they must be over 1kg) are daily culinary benefits of being at this amazing windsurfing town.

Before my trip was over I pre-booked for 2016 – Jericoacoara – see you next year!
A big thanks to Club Ventos for hosting my equipment again – make sure to check them out if you’re planning a trip there.