Happy New Year!
Hope if you’re reading this you enjoyed the holidays and welcomed 2016 in style.
I spent Christmas at home in Canada at my parents house with family, it was a fun contrast to the months spent in Brazil.

To keep things exciting I went off with my brothers for a short ski trip right after Christmas to Alberta and British Columbia. We skied a couple great resorts out there including Panorama, Kickinghorse and Revelstoke. The mountains already received 5 meters of snow this season, so there was plenty of the white stuff. Weather was also on our side as we had weather pattern called “inversion” in the mountains; -18C and cloudy in the valley, +2C and sunny at the summit. Perfect!
Besides the ski trip I also have some new supporters to announce for 2016:
I will be exclusively using Peppers Polarized Eyeware; I’m loving the new sunglasses, they are always polarized, good value, and they even have a line that floats!
I am also working on a new partnership with Bondic, a Canadian company that produces a liquid plastic welder. In fact the product itself should be available in your nearest hardware store. It’s a great board and fin repair tool, I’ll share more about how to use it shortly.

So make sure you give both Peppers and Bondic a visit, and keep in mind that I’m always wearing Peppers sunglasses and always using Bondic for any repairs.
Now, time to pack for a couple months of training in Venezuela!